CFFO Member-Exclusive Drone Plans

1- We know you want to know how to get the advanced drone pilot licence and how to apply SFOC.  

As a DJI authorized Academy and certified instructors, we understand your needs and concerns. 

To get an advanced pilot licence isn’t that difficult, that’s why we’ve prepared the drone portion of the Advanced Certificate Exam Webinar here to share with you. 

To Register the Course Click Here

2- You may want to know if it is safe to fly the drone in the farm. 

Drone Safety Courses  —–   An exclusive, members-only package that offers:

  • Basic Knowledge of AG Drone
  • Structure of AG Drone
  • Safe Operation

3- You might worry about not knowing how to fly

As DJI Authorized Academy and certified instructors, we offer our users sufficient knowledge on DJI AgrasT40 Drone Operation and Maintenance On-Site Courses (Innisfil) 

4- You may not familiar with the activation of the drone

We will have this covered for you! 

5- We know the importance of technical support

Our technical support team will help you solve the flight problems by phone, email or zoom meeting.


Hello world.