As we can see, more and more farms around the world are choosing DJI Brand smart agricultural drones as their tool of choice. As drones can obtain high-quality crops, increase efficiency, bring plentiful benefits, and yield higher profits.
Moreover, drones not only significantly decrease pesticide usage but also enhance the atomization and uniform deposition of pesticides, thereby maximizing their effectiveness. The highly efficient and premium quality batteries can also contribute to fuel saving, easing the burden on farmers.
You might say, this technology is still far away to us.
Do you know why you think this technology is still far away? Because you don’t love yourself enough, don’t love your crops enough, always think about others. You are welcome to check out this FAQ, and also, we have many video drone operation cases of different crops, and now we share them with you, hoping that it will be helpful for you to apply drones in the near future.
Every farm faces problems on the farming. How can drones help farmers in some situations? We have answered the most frequently asked questions, and we hope it helps.
The AG Drone’s History (Click here to view the article)
Amongst the many drones in the market; DJI Agriculture drones are the only ones with a wind field research and analysis laboratory. DJI’s R&D personnel have been working tirelessly to ensure that the structure of the drone, the angle of the blades, the flow meter system, the nozzles, and the mode of attitude control; could produce optimal crop coverage, in order to reduce drift and achieve uniform coverage.
Why you should take DJI Academy (Click here to visit the link)
As the only authorized DJI Academy training center and certified instructors in Canada, we are very happy that the knowledge and skills we have can help many pilots fly safely and confidently.
Drone makes a real mess of the spray patterns?
It depends on brand or model of drone you are using. At the same time, the results of operations by pilots trained by DJI Academy and those who have not been trained are different.
In South Africa, DJI Agriculture is the only brand designated by the government for agricultural use because of its high quality and unmatched reliability.
Drone can do 30-50% savings?
The drone uses high-concentration, low-volume technology. Due to its good atomization effect and strong penetration, it can effectively spray droplets on the surface, intersection, back and roots of leaves. It can achieve the same effect as traditional spraying equipment while saving 30-50%. Welcome to view our crop spraying video to learn more.
We read there’s 30-50% savings on product by using drone. It is illegal to apply lower than label rates.
Over the past few years, many research institutions in the US have conducted extensive experiments demonstrating that drones can reduce pesticide usage by 30-50% and water consumption by 90-95%, while Hungary issued the world’s first pesticide label last year for the drone sprayer.
Are drones legal?
Drones have been widely used in Canada in recent years to spray liquid fertilizer and nutrients, especially after storms, and have achieved very good results in protecting crops.
At the same time, it is also widely used for covering crops, alfalfa, rapeseed, liquid fertilizers, micro nutrient, control mosquitoes, and paint greenhouses, blow off tree flowers, and blow water off leaves after rain as well. These are all legal. You can register your T50 drone with Transport Canada. Please check out this link.
In fact, it is right for everyone to choose any spraying tool.
After all, the one that suits you is the best. Learning new knowledge and evolving is a natural choice. Not evolving means falling behind. However, the evolution process is often painful. Because you have to learn new content, learning could be scary, and people like comfort.
This is our first approved drone-applied herbicide in Canada.
Chemical labeling is not only slow in Canada, but also slow in the world. Fortunately, our government has been working, and 4 chemical labels have been approved so far. Three for mosquitos, one for Corteva Herbsides.
Although drones have been used on a large scale in other countries and received their government’s support, we heard that many our Canadian growers have also tried to use drones for spraying last year and achieved good results, but there is no news of updates yet.
Work Efficiency
The spray width and droplet size of the T50 can be adjusted on the remote control.
1) You don’t need to change nozzles!
2) Its working efficiency is 40-50Acres/H, depends on your setup.
Click the link to check out the drone work efficiency VS ground rig from farmer’s review!
Why do DJI drone sprayer use less water and chemicals to achieve the same effect?
DJI’s professionally designed multi-rotor downforce wind field allows mist droplets to be evenly sprayed on crops and the backs of leaves, avoiding waste on products and greatly improving pesticide utilization. While achieving the same results, the overall use of water and chemicals is reduced and as well as the impact to the environment.
Is that drones that can spray water are called agricultural drones?
Certainly not. The DJI Ag drone has undergone rigorous coverage testing and particle size testing. Its spray width, uniformity and wind field pressure must be qualified. If the spraying is uneven or repeated spraying will cause a lot of trouble. Too much down-pressure wind field will cause crops logging.
Is the DJI Agras T50 drone accurate?
DJI Agras T50 uses RTK satellite positioning technology, and the accuracy of the flight path can reach centimeter level.
You don’t need to calculate by yourself, you just need to select the field that needs to be operated, input the required amount of each acre, the required spray width, and the remote will help you automatically calculate the total amount required and the time required to complete the work fully autonomously.
How wide is the T50 drone spray swath?
The T50 adopts a coaxial dual-rotor structure, and the powerful down-pressure wind field helps the atomized liquid to disperse evenly and distribute in a wider range than its actual size. You can choose the desired width on the remote control, from 12ft-36ft.
How do DJI Agras drone controls drift?
Many people actually didn’t aware that DJI is the only drone company in the industry has wind field analysis lab to make sure the drift can be controlled in a satisfied range.
Here’s drift control video link:
Can it be used to spray fruit trees?
Tree spraying has always been a challenge. The superior design and performance of DJI Agras drones make this easy. In particular, the powerful downward rotating airflow generated by the scientifically designed rotor can reduce the spread of droplets, and at the same time, the upward airflow generated by the downward rotating airflow can deposit pesticide droplets directly on the front and back of plant leaves.
These seemingly simple data condensed countless laboratory and field experiments, which is a remarkable and extraordinary achievement.
Can I use DJI Agras Drone to spread seeds?
Yes, you can spread Solid dry particles with a diameter of 0.5 to 5 mm.
To spread the urea fertilizer, the work efficiency is 1ton/hour.
What should I do if the T50 drone encounters an obstacle? Is it safe?
The T50 has an automatic obstacle avoidance system that can avoid obstacles on the flight path in time, greatly reducing various losses caused by operational errors.
How does it handle border spraying?
Intelligent route planning and RTK precision positioning (2.47cm) make your farmland will not miss the boundary area, thereby reducing the occurrence of pests and diseases.
The picture on the left is sprayed by a DJI drone (you can see a beautiful border), and the picture on the right is sprayed by a helicopter (with a large buffer area)
How was the testing of the DJI AG drones carried out?
DJI stated that it is not enough to look at the data on paper, and the final product depends on the actual effect. Therefore, DJI has conducted more than 2,000 tests on the each of agriculture drone, each with 25 test papers, and the actual test processed a total of more than 50,000 test papers.
Is that easy to operate the DJI Agras drone?
DJI drone sprayer is equipped with a user-friendly control interface through its powerful technical support, making operation simple and intuitive. Ordinary farmers can operate it easily.
How long does it take to charge the battery?
It takes about 9-12 minutes to charge a T50 battery.
Does charging use the office power supply or does it require a generator? Will I save fuel?
There is no problem with both charging methods. If a generator is used, according to previous customer calculations, it can save about 60-70% of fuel compared to a tractor.
Marcus Bulstrode, from the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, talks about trialing drone-based technologies to manage weeds in sugarcane farming systems. The trial combines drone mapping technology with spot spraying of weeds. The spray drone can precisely target weeds, thereby reducing pesticide use and limiting the potential for herbicide runoff.
Here’s the link to the video:
Using drones to save on pesticide costs and loss
My land is a rolling field, how to set the flying altitude of the aircraft?
The altitude radar can automatically detect the altitude between the aircraft and the land/crop canopy, imitating the terrain for flying operations.
Can I use the remote control aircraft to spot spray the outbreak area?
Yes, you can manually operate the drone to do spot spray over the area.
Can I buy a drone for my relatives in other countries to use?
Because the radio frequency management regulations difference in each country. Our Canadian version of plant protection drones can only be used within Canada.
Due to the different country codes, please be sure to buy your drone from DJI authorized agricultural drone distributors.
Is the T50 drone easy to maintain? How do I get parts?
We are a DJI-certified agricultural drone repair center. We have professional technicians to provide in-time services to our customers, and we also have sufficient parts in stock.
Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have. Whether you’re ready to purchase a drone or not, our commitment is to support you in making informed decisions and ensuring your confidence in using our drone solutions hassle-free!
Contact us if you need.
If you like DJI AG Drone tech and would like to read more, you are welcome to contact us for the library platform and password.
How to set up the parameters in different weather conditions?
Why is the D-RTK2 mobile station so important in flight operations?
How to diagnose problems before the flight!
What should I do if the drone flies far away and the signal is lost?
and more…
麦吉尔大学(McGill University),简称McGill,坐落加拿大第二大城市蒙特利尔,是一所蜚声全球的世界顶尖名校。学校始建于1821年,是加拿大历史最悠久的高等学府。麦吉尔大学在医学、法学、工学、理学、商学、文学、神学、音乐等众多领域拥有崇高的学术地位及广泛的影响力,被公认为是当今世上最享负盛名的学府之一,百年来一直在国际上极富盛誉,鼎盛时期与哈佛大学双足鼎力,其教学及研究水准享誉世界,故有“加拿大哈佛”之称。
乔治亚学院 是位于安大略省旅游中心地带的公立社区学院,有着三十多年的历史。她拥有贝瑞(Barrie),奥里利亚(Orillia)和欧文桑德(Owen Sound),Midland,Muskoka,Orangeville,South Georgian Bay等三个校园,而且这三个校园都位于多伦多附近。尤其是位于贝瑞市的主校园,距离多伦多仅90公里,交通便利,环境优美。贝瑞邻近多个著名的旅游景点,如尼亚加拉大瀑布等,她附近还有多个自然保护区、公园和庞大的湖泊,其露营和康乐设施深受欢迎。贝瑞的天气也如多伦多一般四季分明:和暖的夏日最适宜游泳、打网球、高尔夫球和划艇,而冬季的活动则有滑雪、溜冰和冰上曲棍球等。
滑铁卢大学是一所以研究为主的中等大小的公立大学,创建于1957年。该校位于安大略省的西南面的滑铁卢市,以学习与实习并重的合作教育(co-operative education)而闻名。2011年到2013年,该校一直稳居麦克林杂志评选的加拿大综合性大学排名的第三位,是北美地区最优大学之一,其数学,计算机科学和工程学科教学水平居世界前列。
渥太华大学 (University of Ottawa, 或uOttawa) 始建于1848年. 是加拿大最古老和全球最大的英法双语大学, 其前身是由无玷圣母献主会(Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate) 在1848年创办的Bytown学院, 1866年获得由维多利亚女王颁发的Royal Charter (加拿大仅有9所大学拥有 ); 1889年获得教皇Pope Leo XIII颁发的 Pontifical Charter。创立伊始,渥太华大学就显示出她的强大实力。时至今日,已一跃成为声名大噪的学术研究中心。全校教职工2,887人, 行政职工2,425人。在校学生总学生数达40,712人 , 其中国际学生占4%。
温莎大学是历年来加拿大最好的十所综合类大学之一,位于温莎市的大学城。温莎大学有着友好的校园环境,浓厚的学术气氛,同时兼有所有大城市的便利。温莎大学学科齐全,包括商业、教育、工程、人类科学与体育、法律和社会学等领域,提供本科、研究生和博士学位,实习及专业学士学位。 大学校园设备先进,设施齐全,除了功能齐全的STDENIS体育馆,还有全加拿大最好的现代医疗保健中心CAW学生中心和藏书超过两百万册的LEDDY图书馆。学校和美国的多所著名大学有着共享图书馆的协议,学生可到美国大学图书馆阅读、借阅。整个校园都被先进的光纤电脑网络连接,及时了解全球发展。 温莎市被誉为“加拿大的汽车工业首都” ,同时也是加拿大最大三家汽车制造企业及上百家高科技公司的所在地。凭借地理优势,温莎大学与工业界先后合作设立CHRYSLER加拿大汽车工业研究与发展中心,世界级伦敦生命五大湖区环境研究中心和其它学术中心。
西安大略大学坐落在加拿大风景秀美的著名城市伦敦。伦敦市是加拿大第十大城市,人口49万 ,距加拿大第一大城市多伦多200公里。始建于1878年的西安大略大学是加拿大最古老的学校之一,她在学术方面已经有上百年历史,并在商科、医学和文科方面取得了辉煌的成就,学校继续保持高速发展并不断扩展在学术方面的研究。尤其是近些年来,西安大略大学实施了一系列旨在扩展传统优势学科的举措,以期实现专业的多元化,例如开设了健康科学、软件工程等等。在校学生约为为36,000人,其中有来自120多个国家的留学生约2,200名,国际生占比为4.50%,全日制教职员工3,200人,提供2,000多个学士学位与文凭课程 。西安大略大学与女王大学,多伦多大学,麦吉尔大学组成的橄榄球联赛称为加拿大老四校(the Old Four) 。
加拿大约克大学(York University)位于加拿大第一大城市多伦多北郊,是全加拿大综合规模第三大的大学。大学建立于1959 年,当时的约克大学被视作多伦多大学的分校只有76名学生,如今校园宽阔,共占地635 公顷,面积之大可以用“一望无际”来形容。学校设施全面,设有10个学院,24个研究中心,其学生数量超过5万人,教职员工也接近5000 人。
女王大学又名皇后大学 是安大略省第二古老的大学,1841年根据维多利亚女王的皇家宪章建立,原为教会赞助学校,1912年变为非教会学校。在学术方面,女王大学一直保持着很高的水准,共开设包括商科、医学、法学、生物、工程、文科及理科等15个不同的院系,并设立Bader英国学习中心,华盛顿学习中心等。
女王大学现已开设的课程包括:应用科学、文理、商科、教育、研究院、法律、护理、体育、康复治疗、神学、艺术等,同时,学校不断增加其他具有领导性的专业。校友文化是女王大学核心文化的重要组成要素之一,学校每年凭借校友的资助,建设许多新型设施装备。从实验室到体育馆,从图书馆到学生活动中心。校内0.45亿美元的Joseph S. Stauffer图书馆为学生提供便捷的电子服务;在考试期间,Stauffer图书馆一周24小时全天开放。
多伦多大学(University of Toronto) 是加拿大一所著名的公立大学,始建于1827年,是加拿大最古老的大学之一。学校坐落于世界上最适合人类居住的城市——多伦多,拥有3个校区,300类大学本科专业,32座图书馆。多伦多大学科研水平高,规模大,师资力量强,教学质量高,具备最新的教学方法和先进的教材,拥有世界级教学设备,被公认为是加拿大综合实力数一数二的优秀大学。凭借其规模、声望以及影响力,多伦多大学正吸引着加拿大国内及世界各地的顶尖学生。
不列颠哥伦比亚大学(英语:University of British Columbia,法语:Université de la Colombie-Britannique,简称UBC),简称卑诗大学,是一所位于加拿大卑斯省的公立大学,也是U15大学联盟、英联邦大学协会、环太平洋大学联盟、和Universitas 21成员之一。UBC为全世界培养了众多的顶尖人才,学术声誉极高,至目前为止共有7位校友获得诺贝尔奖,其中包括著名经济学家罗伯特·蒙代尔。UBC于1908年创校,现在总共有两个主要校区。学校主校区位于紧邻温哥华市西端的大学保留地,为卑斯省最古老的大学,起初为研究性合作机构,后来逐渐发展为闻名国际的综合大学;另外该校位于基隆拿市的新校区成立于2005年,称为不列颠哥伦比亚大学奥卡纳干分校,取代原奥卡纳干大学学院。